KISS the Ducks
Taken mid-summer, on the midway at a fair in Oregon about 8 pm, with the setting sun coming in from the right, illuminating The Little Mermaid. I asked the carnival barker to hold people back for a minute while I crouched down and lined up this improbable layering of unlikely elements.

Snowdrift with Footprints
One of the advantages of a 4-wheel drive Jeep is that you can go off road in snowy weather and be given an image like this one. This is a shot of the Tibetan Monastery in Oregon (near Mt. Ashland) with snow on the roof and a snowdrift in the foreground with footprints in the snowdrift.

Santa Fe Sled
I had been photographing for about a week at Bryce and Zion Canyons and had stopped in Santa Fe on my way to Albuquerque to fly back home to Boston. Immediately after entering Santa Fe, I saw this and had to photograph it as the colors of the car so perfectly mirrored the palette of the mural in the background.

Rain Stones
Black stones on a doormat in a rainstorm reflecting nearby balcony railings. Color photo, digital negative.

Farm Stand Idyll
Tractor in front of cardboard cutouts of fruits and vegetables at a farm stand. Color photo, digital negative.